


Töögrupi kohta

Meie põhitegevus on tööstusliku puhta tehnoloogia ja kõrgtehnoloogiliste tekstiilide tarnimine klientidele, kes töötavad spetsialiseerunud valdkondades. Meie ulatuslik ekspertteadmised ja kogemused on olulised tegurid, kui tegemist on nõudliku tööstusega.

Töögrupi kohta

Meie põhitegevus on tööstusliku puhta tehnoloogia ja kõrgtehnoloogiliste tekstiilide tarnimine klientidele, kes töötavad spetsialiseerunud valdkondades. Meie ulatuslik ekspertteadmised ja kogemused on olulised tegurid, kui tegemist on nõudliku tööstusega.

Töögrupi kohta

Meie põhitegevus on tööstusliku puhta tehnoloogia ja kõrgtehnoloogiliste tekstiilide tarnimine klientidele, kes töötavad spetsialiseerunud valdkondades. Meie ulatuslik ekspertteadmised ja kogemused on olulised tegurid, kui tegemist on nõudliku tööstusega.

Arendame täna
homseid filtreid

JobGroup on toodete, teadmiste ja lahenduste täistarnija, mis põhineb kõrgtehnoloogial ja materjalidel. Aitame oma kliente kogu tee kontseptsioonist valmisprojekteeritud toodeteni nende konkreetsete vajaduste ja soovide põhjal.

Töötades tihedas koostöös meie klientide ja strateegiliselt valitud partneritega, kasutame kogu meie kogemust ja tehnilist ekspertiisi kõrgtehnoloogiliste filtriseadmete, elementide ja teenuste, ohutustoodete ja lahenduste ning kõrgtehnoloogiliste tehniliste tekstiilide arendamiseks, tootmiseks ja turustamiseks. Alati silmas pidades kõrget funktsionaalset väärtust meie klientide jaoks. Meie peamised kliendid tegutsevad töötlemis- ja tootmisharu valdkonnas koos teiste kõrgtehnoloogiliste tekstiilmaterjalidel põhinevate toodete kasutajatega.


Industri-Textil Job asutati 1963. aastal Jan-Olof Bornefalki poolt, kes pani ettevõttele nimeks oma algustähtedega – JOB. '

Alates 2002. aastast on perekonnaäri eestvedajaks olnud Rutger Bornefalk, kelle juhtimisel ettevõte on kasvanud ülemaailmseks korporatsiooniks, mis kannab nime JobGroup.

Tänapäeval on JobGroup oma valdkonnas esirinnas ning näitab pidevat ja stabiilset kasvu.

Täielik tarnija

We specialize in supplying industrial cleantech and high-tech textiles to specialized fields, relying on our extensive expertise and experience in this demanding industry.

Have fun and get the job done!

Täielik tarnija

JobGroup on üks vähestest inseneri- ja tekstiiliettevõtetest Euroopas, mis omab kogu tootmistsüklit alates kiust kuni lõpptoote või täieliku filtritehase valmimiseni. Grupis on meil palju eksperte ja suuri ressursse, mida kasutada. See asetab meid strateegiliselt meie klientidega, kelle hulka kuuluvad töötlemis-, tootmis- ja masinaehitusettevõtted Põhjamaades ja Ibeerias ning ülejäänud Euroopas ning maailmas.

Täielik tarnija

JobGroup on üks vähestest inseneri- ja tekstiiliettevõtetest Euroopas, mis omab kogu tootmistsüklit alates kiust kuni lõpptoote või täieliku filtritehase valmimiseni. Grupis on meil palju eksperte ja suuri ressursse, mida kasutada. See asetab meid strateegiliselt meie klientidega, kelle hulka kuuluvad töötlemis-, tootmis- ja masinaehitusettevõtted Põhjamaades ja Ibeerias ning ülejäänud Euroopas ning maailmas.










Jan-Olof Bornefalk establishes the company Industri-Textil Job

1980: Purchase of a Dornier weaving machine, marking the first step towards modern weaving.

1986: Ballistic protection technology.

Weaving ballistic protection fabrics made of high-tech materials from Twaron was a huge step forward for Job. This meant dealing with high demands and no failures accepted.

1988: CAD Laser cutting technology

Job was the first textile company in the northern part of Europe using laser cutter to cut to fit at all times. This was a milestone for Cad – Computer Aided Design and made sure each filter cloth or piece of fabrics was cut exactly the same each time. At the time manual cutting was standard.

1992: Needling technology

Job invested in 2 full needling lines to be able to manufacture also needled fabrics to become a much more complete supplier of fabrics. Job is still the only Nordic company who has both a weaving mill and needling facilities. From Yarn to ready made fabrics and from Fiber to ready made needlefelts.

1994: Warping technology

Warping machine with automatic tension and breaking of the rotating drum. The modern warping machine made it possible to get the best possible warp for the weaving looms to create heavy fabrics.

1997: Automatic stitching line technology

First of the fully automized stitching lines – today Job has several of this inside the group – was installed in Kinna.

2003: Rutger Bornefalk becomes CEO

A new era in Job when the work to enlarge the group started by Rutger. This was a milestone to get the expansion of the group, which has been proved since then, to start.

2004: Group expansion start

SEK 55–60 million in turnover; the decision is made to grow – the new goal is set to a turnover of SEK 300 million. Start of the Group.

2005: Job Finland founded

The office in Finland is founded and the era of being a full integrated producer of complete filtration plants are started. Job have been selling filtration plants before this but this was a huge leap forward with making our own solution designed from scratch – from steel and fiber to zero emission of particulates into the air.

2012: Hot gas filtration technology

The largest filter unit in a gasification plant was built by Job Group in Lahti Energia together with our partners at the time. This was a milestone for filtration at elevated temperature with difficult gases in the world of gasification.

2013: Acquisition of Finsa , Spain

The company Finsa in Terassa, Spain was merged into the group.  The relationship with the family Bandrinas was established. This put JobGroup in a position of having two modern weaving mills to serve our end client world-wide.

2014: Acquisition of Ekomans Oy in Finland

By the merging of Ekomans Oy in Finland the product portfolio was enlarged with also scrubber systems for filtration of gases. This joined the 2 largest filtration plant manufacturors in Finland into one office.

2014: Acquisition of Processfilter in Sweden

By the merging of Processfilter in Helsingborg the Helsingborg office was created. This was a important merge to serve the Swedish industry and the process industry as a whole when it comes to dry filtration and removal of particulates in the air as well as the filtration of super adsorbents in the tissue industry.

2015: New offices in Skinnskatteberg and Kokkola, Finland.

A decision is made to set a new goal for a turnover of SEK 500 million in 2020.

2015: New office in Moscow, Russia

The creating of Industritextil Job LLC, a full Russian company under Job Group was an important step to maintain the support of the Russian process industries. Russia have since years been an important market for the group.

2017: Dioxin removal technology

The erection and start up of one large dioxin removal unit at Boliden AB, Rönnskärsverken was finished. This project ensured Boliden to always stay well below the emissions of dioxin. The results of cleaning was perfect!

2018: Acqustion of TP Filter

By merging TP Filter in Stockholm the office in Stockholm was created. Also the knowledge of disc filters and the repair of disc filter sectors was well improved inside the group.

2018: New cutting technology

A brand new hyper modern cutting line was installed in Kinna, Sweden.

2018: Automatic Stitching Line technology.

The world’s fastest stitching line for filter bags  was installed in Kinna, Sweden. The line is able to both make stitched seams, welded seams and seam sealing in  a remarkable speed.

2019: Weaving technology

Two modern Dorner looms are installed in Kinna, Sweden.

















Jan-Olof Bornefalk establishes the company Industri-Textil Job

1980: Purchase of a Dornier weaving machine, marking the first step towards modern weaving.

1986: Ballistic protection technology.

Weaving ballistic protection fabrics made of high-tech materials from Twaron was a huge step forward for Job. This meant dealing with high demands and no failures accepted.

1988: CAD Laser cutting technology

Job was the first textile company in the northern part of Europe using laser cutter to cut to fit at all times. This was a milestone for Cad – Computer Aided Design and made sure each filter cloth or piece of fabrics was cut exactly the same each time. At the time manual cutting was standard.

1992: Needling technology

Job invested in 2 full needling lines to be able to manufacture also needled fabrics to become a much more complete supplier of fabrics. Job is still the only Nordic company who has both a weaving mill and needling facilities. From Yarn to ready made fabrics and from Fiber to ready made needlefelts.

1994: Warping technology

Warping machine with automatic tension and breaking of the rotating drum. The modern warping machine made it possible to get the best possible warp for the weaving looms to create heavy fabrics.

1997: Automatic stitching line technology

First of the fully automized stitching lines – today Job has several of this inside the group – was installed in Kinna.

2003: Rutger Bornefalk becomes CEO

A new era in Job when the work to enlarge the group started by Rutger. This was a milestone to get the expansion of the group, which has been proved since then, to start.

2004: Group expansion start

SEK 55–60 million in turnover; the decision is made to grow – the new goal is set to a turnover of SEK 300 million. Start of the Group.

2005: Job Finland founded

The office in Finland is founded and the era of being a full integrated producer of complete filtration plants are started. Job have been selling filtration plants before this but this was a huge leap forward with making our own solution designed from scratch – from steel and fiber to zero emission of particulates into the air.

2012: Hot gas filtration technology

The largest filter unit in a gasification plant was built by Job Group in Lahti Energia together with our partners at the time. This was a milestone for filtration at elevated temperature with difficult gases in the world of gasification.

2013: Acquisition of Finsa , Spain

The company Finsa in Terassa, Spain was merged into the group.  The relationship with the family Bandrinas was established. This put JobGroup in a position of having two modern weaving mills to serve our end client world-wide.

2014: Acquisition of Ekomans Oy in Finland

By the merging of Ekomans Oy in Finland the product portfolio was enlarged with also scrubber systems for filtration of gases. This joined the 2 largest filtration plant manufacturors in Finland into one office.

2014: Acquisition of Processfilter in Sweden

By the merging of Processfilter in Helsingborg the Helsingborg office was created. This was a important merge to serve the Swedish industry and the process industry as a whole when it comes to dry filtration and removal of particulates in the air as well as the filtration of super adsorbents in the tissue industry.

2015: New offices in Skinnskatteberg and Kokkola, Finland.

A decision is made to set a new goal for a turnover of SEK 500 million in 2020.

2015: New office in Moscow, Russia

The creating of Industritextil Job LLC, a full Russian company under Job Group was an important step to maintain the support of the Russian process industries. Russia have since years been an important market for the group.

2017: Dioxin removal technology

The erection and start up of one large dioxin removal unit at Boliden AB, Rönnskärsverken was finished. This project ensured Boliden to always stay well below the emissions of dioxin. The results of cleaning was perfect!

2018: Acqustion of TP Filter

By merging TP Filter in Stockholm the office in Stockholm was created. Also the knowledge of disc filters and the repair of disc filter sectors was well improved inside the group.

2018: New cutting technology

A brand new hyper modern cutting line was installed in Kinna, Sweden.

2018: Automatic Stitching Line technology.

The world’s fastest stitching line for filter bags  was installed in Kinna, Sweden. The line is able to both make stitched seams, welded seams and seam sealing in  a remarkable speed.

2019: Weaving technology

Two modern Dorner looms are installed in Kinna, Sweden.

















Jan-Olof Bornefalk establishes the company Industri-Textil Job

1980: Purchase of a Dornier weaving machine, marking the first step towards modern weaving.

1986: Ballistic protection technology.

Weaving ballistic protection fabrics made of high-tech materials from Twaron was a huge step forward for Job. This meant dealing with high demands and no failures accepted.

1988: CAD Laser cutting technology

Job was the first textile company in the northern part of Europe using laser cutter to cut to fit at all times. This was a milestone for Cad – Computer Aided Design and made sure each filter cloth or piece of fabrics was cut exactly the same each time. At the time manual cutting was standard.

1992: Needling technology

Job invested in 2 full needling lines to be able to manufacture also needled fabrics to become a much more complete supplier of fabrics. Job is still the only Nordic company who has both a weaving mill and needling facilities. From Yarn to ready made fabrics and from Fiber to ready made needlefelts.

1994: Warping technology

Warping machine with automatic tension and breaking of the rotating drum. The modern warping machine made it possible to get the best possible warp for the weaving looms to create heavy fabrics.

1997: Automatic stitching line technology

First of the fully automized stitching lines – today Job has several of this inside the group – was installed in Kinna.

2003: Rutger Bornefalk becomes CEO

A new era in Job when the work to enlarge the group started by Rutger. This was a milestone to get the expansion of the group, which has been proved since then, to start.

2004: Group expansion start

SEK 55–60 million in turnover; the decision is made to grow – the new goal is set to a turnover of SEK 300 million. Start of the Group.

2005: Job Finland founded

The office in Finland is founded and the era of being a full integrated producer of complete filtration plants are started. Job have been selling filtration plants before this but this was a huge leap forward with making our own solution designed from scratch – from steel and fiber to zero emission of particulates into the air.

2012: Hot gas filtration technology

The largest filter unit in a gasification plant was built by Job Group in Lahti Energia together with our partners at the time. This was a milestone for filtration at elevated temperature with difficult gases in the world of gasification.

2013: Acquisition of Finsa , Spain

The company Finsa in Terassa, Spain was merged into the group.  The relationship with the family Bandrinas was established. This put JobGroup in a position of having two modern weaving mills to serve our end client world-wide.

2014: Acquisition of Ekomans Oy in Finland

By the merging of Ekomans Oy in Finland the product portfolio was enlarged with also scrubber systems for filtration of gases. This joined the 2 largest filtration plant manufacturors in Finland into one office.

2014: Acquisition of Processfilter in Sweden

By the merging of Processfilter in Helsingborg the Helsingborg office was created. This was a important merge to serve the Swedish industry and the process industry as a whole when it comes to dry filtration and removal of particulates in the air as well as the filtration of super adsorbents in the tissue industry.

2015: New offices in Skinnskatteberg and Kokkola, Finland.

A decision is made to set a new goal for a turnover of SEK 500 million in 2020.

2015: New office in Moscow, Russia

The creating of Industritextil Job LLC, a full Russian company under Job Group was an important step to maintain the support of the Russian process industries. Russia have since years been an important market for the group.

2017: Dioxin removal technology

The erection and start up of one large dioxin removal unit at Boliden AB, Rönnskärsverken was finished. This project ensured Boliden to always stay well below the emissions of dioxin. The results of cleaning was perfect!

2018: Acqustion of TP Filter

By merging TP Filter in Stockholm the office in Stockholm was created. Also the knowledge of disc filters and the repair of disc filter sectors was well improved inside the group.

2018: New cutting technology

A brand new hyper modern cutting line was installed in Kinna, Sweden.

2018: Automatic Stitching Line technology.

The world’s fastest stitching line for filter bags  was installed in Kinna, Sweden. The line is able to both make stitched seams, welded seams and seam sealing in  a remarkable speed.

2019: Weaving technology

Two modern Dorner looms are installed in Kinna, Sweden.























Jan-Olof Bornefalk establishes the company Industri-Textil Job

1980: Purchase of a Dornier weaving machine, marking the first step towards modern weaving.

1986: Ballistic protection technology.

Weaving ballistic protection fabrics made of high-tech materials from Twaron was a huge step forward for Job. This meant dealing with high demands and no failures accepted.

1988: CAD Laser cutting technology

Job was the first textile company in the northern part of Europe using laser cutter to cut to fit at all times. This was a milestone for Cad – Computer Aided Design and made sure each filter cloth or piece of fabrics was cut exactly the same each time. At the time manual cutting was standard.

1992: Needling technology

Job invested in 2 full needling lines to be able to manufacture also needled fabrics to become a much more complete supplier of fabrics. Job is still the only Nordic company who has both a weaving mill and needling facilities. From Yarn to ready made fabrics and from Fiber to ready made needlefelts.

1994: Warping technology

Warping machine with automatic tension and breaking of the rotating drum. The modern warping machine made it possible to get the best possible warp for the weaving looms to create heavy fabrics.

1997: Automatic stitching line technology

First of the fully automized stitching lines – today Job has several of this inside the group – was installed in Kinna.

Rutger Bornefalk becomes CEO

A new era in Job when the work to enlarge the group started by Rutger. This was a milestone to get the expansion of the group, which has been proved since then, to start.

2004: Group expansion start

SEK 55–60 million in turnover; the decision is made to grow – the new goal is set to a turnover of SEK 300 million. Start of the Group.

2005: Job Finland founded

The office in Finland is founded and the era of being a full integrated producer of complete filtration plants are started. Job have been selling filtration plants before this but this was a huge leap forward with making our own solution designed from scratch – from steel and fiber to zero emission of particulates into the air.

2012: Hot gas filtration technology

The largest filter unit in a gasification plant was built by Job Group in Lahti Energia together with our partners at the time. This was a milestone for filtration at elevated temperature with difficult gases in the world of gasification.

2013: Acquisition of Finsa , Spain

The company Finsa in Terassa, Spain was merged into the group.  The relationship with the family Bandrinas was established. This put JobGroup in a position of having two modern weaving mills to serve our end client world-wide.

2014: Acquisition of Ekomans Oy in Finland

By the merging of Ekomans Oy in Finland the product portfolio was enlarged with also scrubber systems for filtration of gases. This joined the 2 largest filtration plant manufacturors in Finland into one office.

2014: Acquisition of Processfilter in Sweden

By the merging of Processfilter in Helsingborg the Helsingborg office was created. This was a important merge to serve the Swedish industry and the process industry as a whole when it comes to dry filtration and removal of particulates in the air as well as the filtration of super adsorbents in the tissue industry.

2015: New offices in Skinnskatteberg and Kokkola, Finland.

A decision is made to set a new goal for a turnover of SEK 500 million in 2020.

2015: New office in Moscow, Russia

The creating of Industritextil Job LLC, a full Russian company under Job Group was an important step to maintain the support of the Russian process industries. Russia have since years been an important market for the group.

2017: Dioxin removal technology

The erection and start up of one large dioxin removal unit at Boliden AB, Rönnskärsverken was finished. This project ensured Boliden to always stay well below the emissions of dioxin. The results of cleaning was perfect!

2018: Acqustion of TP Filter

By merging TP Filter in Stockholm the office in Stockholm was created. Also the knowledge of disc filters and the repair of disc filter sectors was well improved inside the group.

2018: New cutting technology

A brand new hyper modern cutting line was installed in Kinna, Sweden.

2018: Automatic Stitching Line technology.

The world’s fastest stitching line for filter bags  was installed in Kinna, Sweden. The line is able to both make stitched seams, welded seams and seam sealing in  a remarkable speed.

2019: Weaving technology

Two modern Dorner looms are installed in Kinna, Sweden.








Me kujundame tulevikku

Me kujundame tulevikku

Me kujundame tulevikku

Madalad heitkogused on standard ja tulevikus nõuded on veelgi kõrgemad.

Tänapäeval tehtud investeeringud peaksid seetõttu jääma jätkusuutlikuks aastakümneteks. Meil on teadmised ja tooted, et saavutada heitmetasemed alla 1 mg/m3 pidevas töös.

Meie maailm vajab paremat

Meie maailm vajab paremat

Meie maailm vajab paremat

Mõistame, et teie prioriteedid on teie personal ja teie protsesside tootlikkus.

Kuigi need eesmärgid võivad tunduda vastuolus olevat, suudame koos leida lahenduse, mis tagab puhta keskkonna ja suurema tootlikkuse – ja lühikese tasuvusaja.

Let's Start a Conversation

Collaborating with us offers more than merely acquiring industrial textiles. You tap into over 50 years of expertise and insight, forging a close partnership where we work alongside our customers every step of the way.

Industri-Textil Job

Fritslavägen 31, S-511 57 Kinna

Tel. +46 (0) 320 210 200

Let's Start a Conversation

Collaborating with us offers more than merely acquiring industrial textiles. You tap into over 50 years of expertise and insight, forging a close partnership where we work alongside our customers every step of the way.

Industri-Textil Job

Fritslavägen 31, S-511 57 Kinna

Tel. +46 (0) 320 210 200

Let's Start a Conversation

Collaborating with us offers more than merely acquiring industrial textiles. You tap into over 50 years of expertise and insight, forging a close partnership where we work alongside our customers every step of the way.

Industri-Textil Job

Fritslavägen 31, S-511 57 Kinna

Tel. +46 (0) 320 210 200